Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fun-filled Fridays!

So it's not quite Sunday, and we haven't been to the Cliffs yet (that's tomorrow!) but I thought I'd give you all a little update.

Marketing principles seems like it's going to be my most interesting class. The professor is really nice, and actually interesting to listen to. She went over the scope of the course, and many of things she went over, I already knew--from previous classes and at United Concordia.
On Thursday Dunaras (our student accomodations) hosted an international get-together. It was really nice, and really crowded--but it was good to get to know everyone.

I have off Fridays, so Katie, Jess, Jessica, Michelle, and I went shopping in Eyre Square for some boots. I did not get boots, but I got water resistent spray, and a couple cute dresses. We then went home and grabbed some pizza.

Friday night was a blast! Oh goodness. Katie and I dressed up more so then we half fit in with the Irish.  

I wore my new black dress with my grey boots and a maroon sweater with my hair in an updo. We all headed to the Square and went to Fibber Magees--home of the 2 for 5 euro cocktails :) Someone came up to me and said happy birthday, so that was quite interesting...considering it's not until March. But oh well! We then decided to leave Fibbers and walk around until we found something interesting to venture to.

It started raining so we decided to go to the Spanish Arch Restaurant. It was pretty crowded, so we went to the back and ran into our roommate Jessica (there are multiple...) and a bunch of her friends that also live in Dunaras. We didn't have seats so we were standing for a while until a few people offered to let us sit with them at their table (they had some extra room). It turns out that two were from Germany and one was from Canada. The two from Germany (Tim and Alex) have been backpacking around the WORLD for a year, and they are venturing back to Stuttgart on Sunday. The Canadian (Jason) was on vacation from work and met the Germans along the way. All three were so nice! They had a lot of stories, and now I realllllly want to go backpacking at least through Europe.

Katie and Tim became quick friends :) We got a few drinks and decided to head to Club Cuba where the rest of the international students from Dunaras were meeting up. The Germans ended up leaving =( but we still had fun.  We all danced, and they played Take it Off (one of my favs), and I actually danced with the that was pretty fun.  We stayed for a couple hours and headed out to meet some of the other international kids.  That didn't really work, so Katie, Michelle, Jess, and I took a cab back.  So Friday night was quite some fun, and I hope we all go out again soon!

Today it was kinda rainy, but we decided to go to the markets down at the city center by the old St. Nicholas's Church.  They have food/items from all over the world, and I think I'm going to end up spending a great deal of money here, especially on jewelry (and crepes).  Katie and I also cleaned our room/bathroom today.  Besides that, we pretty much vegged and then ate dinner with Jess and Michelle.

I also have some upcoming trips planned!  Brenda is coming September 30-October 11, and that will definitely be a good time.  Here's whats going on in the upcoming weeks:
Sunday September 12:  The Cliffs of Moher and the Burren
Friday September 17-18: MGMT in Dublin (hopefully! We have to register that day...)
Sunday September 19:  Connemara and Kylemore Abbey
Saturday September 25: The Aran Islands
Friday October 1-3: Dublin with Brenda
Thursday October 7-10:  Germany with Brenda (Heidelberg, Rothenburg, and Munich)

So that's whats been going on in the past few days.  I have some pictures I want to upload, but Blogger isn't letting me, so I'll try to add them another day.  For those of you with facebook, they are on there.

We're going to the Cliffs tomorrow, and I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about after our little visit there.  I'll try to update tomorrow night or Monday =)

Ta-ta for now,

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